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COVID 19 and what it means for your wedding day hair

Sarah Courtney

As you can imagine we have many brides that fear the potential threat of COVID 19 ruining their wedding plans.

We are constantly talking with brides about the "WHAT IFS". I think over this last year we have learnt a lot about how we can make things work, interpreting the health regulations and government guidelines and navigating what we feel is appropriate for our brides, our staff and our families.

It is tough and there is no right and wrong way and we want to make sure that we can help our brides in any way that we can.

Currently as I write this Toowoomba is NOT in a lockdown area but borders South East Queensland's strictest lockdown yet. We can still operate but are taking extra precautions to help keep people safe.

We do have many brides that come from these

areas so you can imagine we are constantly on emails when a lockdown occurs as well as taking care of our cut and colour clients.

For us as hairdressers and those having hair done, we are working within 1.5 metres of a person so can put ourselves and you at risk. This is why we do take extra precautions so we are not the super spreader on the news. We do have a COVID policy in our terms and conditions and this is to ensure that not only are we keeping you safe but all the people we will see in the 14 days after you.

As you can imagine we are seeing people from all over the state (and country when open). Just imagine we get COVID from someone who says " I live in a now declared hotspot but I am not sick and snuck out before lock down" (not kidding this has happened more than once). We could potentially infect the state just by the number of people we are then doing hair for whilst working within 1.5m. This can be 20-50 people in a week per stylist.

So this is why you receive our lovely health survey for all members of the party having hair done and we include anyone who will be present whilst we are there.

We are now also required to have our QR code from Queensland Health for contact tracing. This is a requirement of our service. Hairdressers have been forgotten about a lot through COVID and I am actually shocked more hairdressers across the world have not been part of more COVID clusters really.

On a positive note we are looking out for all of our best interests in regards to health and the ability to do your wedding hair. This includes making hard choices in our own personal lives to reduce the risk of is being unable to work.

So currently as at today (3/8/21) we can not perform hair for people that are in or have been to or live in a declared current hotspot. If your wedding is within two weeks we will chat to discuss with you if we need to or contact us via our email. We will discuss with each individual brides situation and clarify as each situation is different. If you are meant to be in a lock down we can not do your hair. I know it sounds silly but it is not.

If you have questions in regards to your upcoming wedding don't panic! We will be coming to you unless;

  1. we are sick (we will assist in organising a replacement)

  2. the government locks us down

  3. you notify us to postpone/ cancel

We will turn up at your door until we are told not too. We are not cancelling your booking to take another one. We will wait things out as long as you need us to! We will not contact you unless we need clarification of your situation.

I am hoping this puts our brides at ease as there is enough stress going around for everyone and we are here to help in anyway we can. If you do have vendors that are in lockdown and need assistance to replace people please reach out and we may be able to get you in contact with someone local that we know.

There are so many "WHAT IF'S" but we can always help with an answer. We can assist you if you need to postpone your wedding and have many options for you depending on each persons situation.

If we have an urgent situation in regards to COVID the best way to get in touch with us is via email at

Stay safe and be positive! We are hear to make your day easier no matter what the world throws at us. We are not just hairdressers!!!!

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